About Us
Watasi Japan LLC is a company that produces and sells modest fashion located in Shirakawa City, Fukushima Prefecture. Women of any country or religion can wear our products, and we strive to create products that satisfy our customers. All of our products at WATASI JAPAN are made by women who live in Fukushima, and take care of everything from cutting the material and creating beautiful Kimono, to wrapping and managing the shipment process. Our main product is the “Kimono”.
What is a “Kimono”?
A Kimono is a type of traditional Japanese clothing that has been worn since ancient times, from the era of the Samurai that spans back to around 1,200 years ago, through to the present. Each Kimono we produce is a unique, one-of-a-kind product, because its patterns are handmade, and a lot of time is spent on embroidering complex designs. A Kimono is made of 100% high quality silk. It is smooth and glimmers in the light. Kimono’s cut UV light, and they also have antibacterial effects.
Here at WATASI JAPAN, we strictly produce vintage Kurotome Kimonos. What exactly is Kurotome? Kurotome or “Kuro Tomesode” is a 100% silk Kimono that has unique patterns around the lower part of it.
Kurotome is the most high-quality Kimono out there. It is a special formal attire worn at weddings in Japan. Relatives of the bride and groom usually wear it. Kurotome is a type of highly-valued attire that costs around 200,000 to 1,000,000 JPY. It takes about 2 weeks to a month to make a Kurotome, and it is said it needs about 2,500km of silk thread to make one Kurotome. Every part of the Kurotome is handmade, from embroidering beautiful designs, to sewing and stitching it together. All of these factors make it truly a one-of-a-kind unique product that you can’t find anywhere else.
Each pattern has a special meaning. For example, mothers wear it at weddings and wish for good fortune and happiness for their children.
The Chrysanthemum represents longevity because it was a flower once used as medicine, and so parents wish the bride and groom a long life together. WATASI JAPAN hopes that the traditional Japanese beauty of the Kimono will be reborn in a new style, and spread around the world!
The Kimono will be a brand-new fashion style in your life. There is only one place where you’ll find this Kimono, and that’s at WATASI JAPAN.